

SETTING: STRESSIN' STREET, CELL 2 SCENE: This short scene plays after the protagonists stumble upon the first obstacle in the second cell of Stressin' Street, a gaping pothole that the Salaryman needed to circumvent during his first visit to the area. It is now conspicuously filled with shoes and other assorted objects. An exclamation point of surprise ("!") appears over the Salaryman's head. Salaryman Huh? That's strange... Takami What is, Mister Salaryman? Salaryman As I recall, there used to be a pothole here, but it seems like someone filled it with...stuff. Takami Huh, I wonder what happened...ah! Maybe our new friend lent us a hand! Salaryman It's just a cat, Takami; don't be ridiculous... Salaryman (...Nonetheless, I appreciate it.) The player regains control of the protagonists.