

SETTING: STRESSIN' STREET, CELL 1 SCENE: The protagonists have successfully befriended the cat creature known only as "he". Otherworldly Text Box he satisfied Takami throws her arms up in celebration. Takami Heck yeah! You did it! Salaryman Just like that, huh... Takami Do you understand the power of Frencounters a little more now, Mister Salaryman? Salaryman ...Yeah, something like that. Salaryman Ah...but we need to get moving. You said it's a long journey ahead, right, Takami? Takami Eheh, yeah, it is. Takami, putting her hands on her knees, crouches slightly to address the cat. Takami We're gonna get going now, okay, li'l guy? Thanks for playing with us! ♪ After a moment's pause, the cat rubs itself against the Salaryman's leg, before walking in the direction of the cell's far exit and turning back to the player party. Text Box he will never forget. Takami So long, kitty! Salaryman ...Take care, friend. The cat walks off-screen. Takami You really are a natural, Mister Salaryman. Salaryman I-It was nothing, really. (I just have a soft spot for cats, is all...) Takami That was a great idea, though -- with the business card and all! Talk about quick thinking! Salaryman Ah, well...I figured there'd be some use for the objects I have on my person. If the goal is escaping the underworld, I'm okay with leaving behind some of my replaceable belongings. Takami You know, that gives me an idea... Salaryman Hm? Do tell. Takami The truth is, once we pass Arson Street -- er, with the skeletons and the fire -- Gokuma Town gets a lot more dangerous. Takami So if you have other stuff in that briefcase of yours, it might be a good idea to get ready to use it! Your things might just make someone really happy! Salaryman Hm, all right... Salaryman (Although I question how a briefcase full of drab office supplies could make anyone particularly happy, I suppose it couldn't hurt to take inventory.) Spare Tie, Earphones, Laptop Computer and Lighter were added to the Briefcase. (Actually, they were already inside it, but now you can PRESENT them!) Salaryman That should do it. Ready to get going? Takami Lead the way, Mister Salaryman! The player regains control of the protagonists.