

SETTING: 4-99 STOREFRONT SCENE: The Salaryman and Takami have just left the 4-99 together following the tutorial battle with Setsuko. They share a brief conversation in front of the building. Takami All right, Mister Salaryman, are you ready to go home to your world? The real journey starts now! Salaryman Yes, I'm ready. (Or, well, somewhere in that neighbourhood.) Salaryman So...where exactly are we going? Takami On the far side of town, there's a special train station -- when a human stands on the platform, a train will come to take them back to their world. Salaryman Another train, huh...and how do we get there? Takami Funny that you ask, 'cause... Takami ...Uh, you were actually going in the right direction earlier -- before we met, I mean. Salaryman .....So with the skeletons and the fire? Takami I-I promise, they're actually really cool when you get to know them! Salaryman I'm just going to take your word for that one. Salaryman All right, so we'll keep following the path to there and beyond. You'll let me know when we get close to the station, won't you? Takami 'Course I will! But for now, you've got a lot of walking to do. As for me, I'll just, y'know, float along behind you. Salaryman Then let's go. The player regains control of the Salaryman. Like before, Takami will be following close behind him.