

SETTING: 4-99 INTERIOR SCENE: The Salaryman and Takami have successfully befriended Setsuko in the tutorial Frencounter sequence. This conversation ensues immediately after the battle ends. Takami Aaaand that's a wrap! You were such a natural! The Salaryman scratches the back of his head bashfully. Salaryman I-Is that so... Setsuko it was relatively painless Setsuko and now i dont have to get out of my blanket to continue my pacifist run of curby, so thanks... Setsuko friend Salaryman Aha...no problem. Salaryman (...What is this...awkward but happy feeling in my chest? They were just teaching me how not to die here, and yet...) Takami Mister Salaryman, do you understand a little better now? That was just a tutorial, of course, but this is how it is in our world. Takami There are a lot of scary monsters here in Heck, but just like Secchan and I, they all have their own personalities, hobbies, hopes and dreams. Takami The people you meet when we leave this convenience store might not be as agreeable as we are, but don't be scared, okay? Takami If you do what you just did right now -- showing empathy, patience and your honest-to-goodness desire to help them and be their friend... Takami gives a confident thumbs-up. Takami I'm sure you'll make it back home to your world just fine! Salaryman ...I think I do understand, yeah. Salaryman (I still find the concept a little hard to swallow, but it's difficult not to get swept up in this ghost's energy when she talks like that...) Salaryman (I'll have to believe in the things she says and proceed forward into this "Heck".) Salaryman Thank you for your kind instructions, you two. Takami And thanks for following them! Setsuko dont mention it There is a moment's pause. Salaryman So...ready to go, Takami? Takami You bet I am! Takami Secchan, if the boss asks, I'm on a really long bathroom break! Setsuko ghosts dont go to the bathroom, takami Takami That's what they say about pop stars, too...but the truth may shock you! Takami floats out of the store. The Salaryman follows behind with a wave in Setsuko's direction. Setsuko is left alone on-screen for the following two lines. Setsuko ...goodbye, takami Setsuko and be careful out there, other human The screen fades, and the scene ends.