

Takami Okay, Mister Salaryman, this is it! This is a Frencounter! Takami Let's first start by explaining the different li'l buttons at the bottom of the screen. I'll go from the left! The INTERACT button, now replacing the FIGHT button from the previous battle, lights up. Takami First up is INTERACT! This is your most important tool in any Frencounter. Takami When you try to INTERACT with an opponent, you'll get to choose from a few different options...and they vary depending on your "enemy" and what INTERACTions you've already had with them. Takami The trick to INTERACTing with enemies is paying close attention to them and their feelings. It might take some getting used to at first, but the more you know about them, the easier it'll be to win 'em over! Takami What's more, since I'm helping you out, I can INTERACT with enemies too! Since we have pretty different personalities, our options for INTERACTing with others will vary as well! Takami We'll come back to this in a sec -- but first, let me explain the other buttons! The INTERACT button returns to normal, and the PRESENT button lights up in its place. Takami The next one is PRESENT! If you find something in our world that might make somebody happy, you can show and give it to them! ...You know, like a "present"! Setsuko im pretty sure it's more like "present them with something" Takami PRESENTing a PRESENT! (In the present!) Takami Anyway, just like real gift-giving, there's a time and place to do it, but it'll surely come in handy for some Frencounters. I can't hold things -- being a ghost and all -- so only you can use this option, Mister Salaryman. The PRESENT button returns to normal, and the CONSULT button lights up in its place. Takami Confused on what to say? Can't get a read on somebody? Well, this is where CONSULTing comes in handy -- and I'll be your CONSULTant, free of charge! Takami Two heads are better than one, so if you choose to CONSULT me, we can use our turn to step aside and strategise. Takami As the Frencounter goes on, I might think of something new, so if you see the option light up, check it out! The CONSULT button returns to normal, and the FLEE button lights up in its place. Takami Finally, if you're in a really dire situation, you can FLEE the Frencounter...or, well, at least usually. There might be some times where this isn't an option. Takami Of course, if you FLEE, that doesn't mean you won...and whatever enemy you were facing will probably still be blocking your path later. But at least you got out okay! Takami If you forgot to do something beforehand -- like, I dunno, having a nice drink at one of Gokuma Town's famous vending machines -- then FLEEing will give you a perfect opportunity to do so! Salaryman Vending machines, really? Takami You never know, Mister Salaryman. They can really SAVE you in a pinch. Setsuko (you use vending machines to save your progress) Takami (Shh, Secchan, we're not supposed to say that out loud!!) The FLEE button returns to normal. Takami Anyway, those are your four options in a Frencounter. Let's put 'em to the test! Salaryman All right. Starting with INTERACT, I presume? Takami Yep -- like I said, INTERACTing is the most important thing we can do with enemies. Give it a try!


The player is now able to control the Frencounter battle interface. IF the player selects anything other than INTERACT: Note: This does not advance the sequence! Takami Let's start with INTERACT, Mister Salaryman! The INTERACT button flashes. /if PLAYER ACTION: The player selects INTERACT as instructed. The player is shown a menu with a couple of available INTERACTions: -Thank for Helping (Salaryman) -Make Ice Pun (Takami) Takami Okay, so as you can see here... The two available INTERACTions flash in an alternating pattern. Takami Both of us can say something to Secchan here! In some Frencounters, there'll be more options, but the idea is that INTERACTions can come from either of us -- we can work together to turn enemies into friends! Takami Sometimes, more than one option will work to move the Frencounter along, but other times, only one choice will do. Be sure to pay attention to your opponent and get a read on their feelings. Takami Empathy is the secret to friendship, as they say! Setsuko i dont think anyone says that but you Takami W-Well, that doesn't make it any less true! Takami So give it a try, Mister Salaryman! Choose whichever option "clicks" with you, and we'll see how it goes.
INTERACT > "Thank for Helping" (Salaryman) Salaryman (All right, let's try this "Frencounter" thing out.) The Salaryman steps forward towards Setsuko, who is engrossed in a game (visible on the television on top of her counter). Salaryman Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to help me learn how to not die a horrible death in the underworld. Setsuko it's cool. no one really shops here so im hardly busy at all Setsuko i dont really do anything other than play video games behind the counter Salaryman Ah. The Salaryman returns to his default position /INTERACT INTERACT > "Make Ice Pun" (Takami) Takami Okay! I'll do the honours! Takami floats forward towards Setsuko, who is engrossed in a game (visible on the television on top of her counter). Takami Whatcha doin' there, Secchan? Setsuko replaying super marty-o 3 while you teach the human how not to die Takami That sounds fun! I sure hope the game doesn't freeze when you're playing it! Setsuko ... Takami returns to her default position. /INTERACT
Takami Okay! Great job, Mister Salaryman! As you can see, we just learnt something new about Secchan -- she likes video games! Salaryman And I suppose that, with that knowledge, we can more successfully INTERACT with her moving forward...is that the gist? Takami That's right! You catch on quick! Salaryman All right. What happens next? Setsuko stands up slightly. Takami Next is the Enemy Turn -- in any Frencounter, we take turns with the enemy, like a beach volleyball game of friendship just waiting to happen! Salaryman ...And what does the enemy do during their "turn", if I may dare to ask? Takami Er, since they're enemies and all, usually they try to beat you up. Salaryman Oh. Takami Secchan's just here to help, so she won't really try to hurt you, but it's still important to give you a taste of what the Enemy Turn is like. Setsuko my attacks suck as much as youd expect from a tutorial enemy Takami (Don't forget the script this time, Secchan! Remember, you're a fearsome yuki-on'na!) Setsuko your very existence fills me with inexorable rage, mortal Takami Here it comes! Setsuko performs a "casting" animation, before a single, rotating snowflake-like projectile materialises above the Salaryman's position. The words "DODGE THE PROJECTILE(S)!" appear on-screen. The attack sequence is paused. Takami And...pause! Okay, here's how it works. The projectile is suspended in mid-air as Takami launches into her explanation. The instructional words ("DODGE THE PROJECTILE(S)!") flash a few times, to draw the player's attention to them. Takami In Frencounters, every Enemy Turn can be evaded or deflected some way or another. You need to pay attention to the attack, think quickly and do what you gotta do to avoid taking damage! Takami For this one, as you can see, Secchan is about to drop an ice projectile of pain on your head...but luckily, you can dodge it by stepping out of the way. Give it a shot! The attack sequence is unpaused. PLAYER ACTION: The player either dodges or fails to dodge Setsuko's (underwhelmingly slow) projectile. IF the player dodges successfully: Takami Fancy footwork, Mister Salaryman! /if IF the player fails to dodge: Setsuko how did you actually get hit by that Takami I-It's okay, Mister Salaryman! You'll be dodging like a pro in no time! /if Setsuko returns to her default position. Takami By evading or deflecting enemy attacks, you're also able to avoid taking damage. Takami And as you can probably tell... The Salaryman's HP flashes from the HUD. Takami ...There's only so much damage you can take before you lose. If you think you need to retry the Frencounter, please FLEE, okay? Takami Your health will reset at the start of every Frencounter, so if you need to throw in the towel and try again later, put your safety first and go for it! Salaryman ...It's a sobering reminder of the nature of this place, but nonetheless appreciated. Thank you for your explanation. Takami You're super welcome, Mister Salaryman. Salaryman All right, so...what now? Takami Now, we gotta make friends with Secchan! And I think you're ready to take the lead! Takami 'Course, if you have any questions, lay 'em on me by CONSULTing me any time! We're in this together! Setsuko (itll only take a few turns) Takami (Shh, Secchan!) Salaryman (All right...let's do this.)


The player now gains full control of the Frencounter battle interface and is able to act as they please. PHASE 2 OPTIONS INTERACT > "Express Interest in Gaming Hobby" (Salaryman), "Ask About Job as a Cashier" (Salaryman) PRESENT > Business Card CONSULT > New! FLEE > Special Dialogue
INTERACT > "Express Interest in Gaming Hobby" (Salaryman) Note: This is the only correct choice for Phase 2. All other options will cause the Phase to loop. The Salaryman steps forward towards Setsuko. Salaryman (Video games, huh. I can't remember all too well, but I feel as though I may have enjoyed them myself...) Salaryman Fond of video games, are you? Setsuko when my boss isnt here i replace the cash register with a tv Salaryman I see that. Salaryman ...Ah, speaking of -- isn't that a game cartridge on the ground in front of the check-out counter? Setsuko yeah Setsuko it fell off the counter a few hours ago and i havent felt like picking it up yet Salaryman Ah, I see...well, I'll lend a hand. The Salaryman leans over and picks up the game cartridge. Curby's Saccharine Nightmare is added to the Briefcase. Salaryman (I guess I should give it back to her next.) /INTERACT INTERACT > "Ask About Job as a Cashier" (Salaryman) Salaryman So...how do you like working as a cashier? Setsuko it's okay Salaryman I see. Setsuko ... Salaryman ... Salaryman (...I can't think of anything to ask her about such a drab subject, and she doesn't seem inclined to elaborate further herself. I guess another line of conversation is in order...) /INTERACT
PRESENT > Business Card Salaryman (Perhaps this is a good opportunity to try PRESENTing something. But what can I give her...) Salaryman (...I guess one of these nameless business cards will suffice?) The Salaryman steps forward towards Setsuko and offers her his business card. Salaryman Miss Matsumoto, I look forward to working with you through this tutorial. Setsuko reaches out and takes the business card. Setsuko ... Salaryman ... Setsuko what do you expect me to do with this Salaryman I honestly have no idea. Salaryman (...I suppose not every item is useful in every Frencounter.) /PRESENT
The Salaryman and Takami walk a few steps away from Setsuko and towards the left side of the screen. This is the standard animation for the CONSULT command and will not be mentioned subsequently in the script. Salaryman ...All right, so what do I do? Takami Well, let's see! Takami Thanks to our last INTERACTion with Seccha -- I mean, with the aggressive yuki-on'na, we now know that she's a fan of video games. Salaryman Do you suppose it'd be worth asking her about her hobby, then? Takami It's worth a shot! You go, Mister Salaryman! The Salaryman and Takami return to their default positions. This is the standard animation for the CONSULT command and will not be mentioned subsequently in the script. /CONSULT
Note: This is an unfleeable encounter. The following dialogue sequence will play if the player selects FLEE during any Phase of the battle. Attempting to FLEE does not expend the player turn. Takami W-Wait, Mister Salaryman, what are you doing? Salaryman I...suppose I wanted to try out the FLEE option. Takami Oh! That's great, but uh...this is kind of your tutorial Frencounter and all. You're not in danger, so there's no need to run away! Salaryman Roger that. /FLEE
Setsuko's attack is identical to that of her attack in PHASE 1. Her dialogue however changes. Setsuko your death will be abrupt and frosty /ENEMY TURN


PHASE 3 OPTIONS INTERACT > "Ask About Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" (Takami), "Offer to Play Games Together" (Salaryman) PRESENT > Business Card (same as before), Curby's Saccharine Nightmare (New!) CONSULT > New! FLEE > Special Dialogue (same as before)
INTERACT > "Ask About Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" (Takami) Takami floats forward. Takami The game Mister Salaryman picked up looks cute, Secchan! Look at the round li'l guy on the cover! I just wanna pinch his cheeks! Setsuko its fun Takami What's it about? Setsuko an existentially depressed wad of bubble gum devours monsters and shatters the souls of his enemies Takami ...N-Neat! Salaryman (...How exactly are these two friends?) Takami returns to her default position. /INTERACT INTERACT > "Offer to Play Games Together" (Salaryman) The Salaryman steps forward. Salaryman Would you...want to play this, uh, "Curby" game together? Setsuko whoah. slow down there, tiger Salaryman A-Ah, yes, of course, that was rather forward of me...due apologies. Setsuko no, i mean Setsuko you need to give me the game first; you're still holding it Salaryman ...Oh. Right. Salaryman (I guess I should PRESENT it to her, then.) The Salaryman returns to his default position. /INTERACT
PRESENT > "Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" Note: This is the only correct choice for Phase 3. All other options will cause the Phase to loop. The Salaryman steps forward, and procures the game cartridge for "Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" from his briefcase before holding it out to Setsuko. She takes it. Salaryman Here's your game. Setsuko thanks. you saved me a lot of trouble Salaryman Er, don't mention it. The Salaryman returns to his default position. /PRESENT
Takami Okay, Mister Salaryman, you've picked up an item! Or maybe I should say...a PRESENT waiting to be given! Salaryman So this is where PRESENTing items comes in handy, huh. Takami Every so often, you'll find items on the ground, or even in a Frencounter like right now -- you never know what might come in handy, so stuff it in that Briefcase and save it for somebody who might like a PRESENT! /CONSULT
IF the player has not PRESENTed "Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" yet: Setsuko's attack is identical to that of her attack in Phase 1 and 2. Her dialogue however changes. Setsuko my descendants will repurpose your corpse as a toboggan /if IF the player has PRESENTed "Curby's Saccharine Nightmare": In lieu of standing up to attack, Setsuko is now holding her copy of "Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" and blowing on it like a harmonica. Setsuko *huff* *puff* Salaryman Is...something the matter with your game? Setsuko i have to blow on the cartridge for it to work Salaryman Oh. That sounds...quaint. Setsuko it's a pain Setsuko inserts the cartridge into her game console, but nothing happens on the television. Setsuko ... Setsuko still not turning on Setsuko goes back to blowing on the cartridge. Setsuko sorry, but i dont have time to attack you this turn; you guys can go again Salaryman Y-You're just going to skip the Enemy Turn? Takami Sometimes, when an enemy is distracted or just plain losing their will to fight, they won't attack during their turn. Takami That doesn't mean the Frencounter is over just yet, but a lot of the time, that means the end of the battle is just around the corner! Salaryman I see...I guess, in this case, it might be time for decisive action. /if /ENEMY TURN


PHASE 4 OPTIONS INTERACT (sparkling button) > "Offer to Help" (Salaryman, only option with sparkling text) PRESENT > Business Card (same as before) CONSULT > New! FLEE > Special Dialogue (same as before) Note: This is the final Phase of this Frencounter. The sequence following the correct option (INTERACT > "Offer to Help") will be presented last in the script.
Takami Okay, Mister Salaryman! This is the part where we finish the job! Salaryman How can you be so certain? Takami Oh, uh... The GUI briefly reappears on the screen, wherein the INTERACT button is still sparkling gaudily. Takami When we're just about ready to befriend an enemy during a Frencounter, it'll be really easy to tell what you have to do next. Whether it's to INTERACT or give a PRESENT, do the thing that fills you with a sparkly feeling! Salaryman A "sparkly feeling"...I think I understand. /CONSULT
Note: This will only trigger if the player does not advance the Frencounter to its final phase by selecting the proper (and very obvious) INTERACTion. Setsuko will not attack. Setsuko is still blowing on her game cartridge. Setsuko dammit Setsuko it keeps turning on with warped colours and glitched audio Takami I-I'm sure it'll work soon, Secchan...! Takami turns to the Salaryman. Takami -- Mister Salaryman! Why don't we lend her a hand? /ENEMY TURN
INTERACT > "Offer to Help" (Salaryman) Note: This is the only correct choice for Phase 4. All other options will cause the Phase to loop. The Salaryman steps forth towards Setsuko. Salaryman ...'Mind if I give it a shot? Setsuko uh Setsuko ...yeah, be my guest Takami ! Takami Wow, Secchan, you normally don't let human friends handle your games, even when we teach them about Frencounters... Setsuko he seems experienced in this sort of thing Takami He does? Salaryman (...I do?) Setsuko i can sense it Setsuko here Setsuko holds out her copy of "Curby's Saccharine Nightmare" to the Salaryman, who takes it into his own hands. He blows into it once himself before inserting it into the console. Setsuko lets try turning it on The television turns on, displaying a colourful title screen. Salaryman Ah! 'Looks like we got it? Setsuko as i suspected, you have "the magic touch" Setsuko you have earnt my respect Takami Ahh! Mister Salaryman, you did it! Salaryman So I guess this means... Setsuko we're friends now. congrats on surviving the tutorial battle, human Confetti falls from the sky, and the words "NEW FRIEND" appear prominently in the centre of the screen. The Frencounter ends.