
SCENE #12 "節"

SETTING: 4-99 INTERIOR SCENE: The Salaryman and Takami enter the convenience store called 4-99. True to form, it resembles a somewhat shabby Japanese convenience store, with aisles of nondescript food products, magazines and toiletries. It is completely deserted, other than a morose, black-haired woman cocooned in a blanket behind the counter. Takami Secchan, yoohoo! ??? oh ??? another one, huh Takami Yeppers! On a scale of 1 to 10, how hyped are you to do "that" again? ??? 2 Takami Wow! That's DOUBLE hyped compared to last time! Takami Mister Salaryman, this is Matsumoto Setsuko. She's a bona fide yuki-on'na! Salaryman (A yuki-on'na...according to legend, a ruthless wielder of ice magic that preys upon unsuspecting mortals.) The camera briefly pans towards Setsuko, and then back to its default position. Salaryman (...Somehow I get the sense that the legends may have exaggerated a bit here.) Salaryman A pleasure to meet you, Miss Matsumoto. Setsuko charmed Takami Now, I guess I have a bit of explaining to do...*ahem* Takami If you haven't noticed already, Mister Salaryman, Heck -- that's our world! -- can be kind of dangerous at times. Takami Humans like you can't hope to hurt the monsters who live here with physical attacks. You can try, but it won't do anything -- except make them angry, probably. Salaryman (So that's why that cat...thing from earlier didn't even flinch when I hit it with my briefcase. And here I thought I'd just gotten weak with age.) Salaryman So then...in the event that I'm accosted by some ruffian, what can I do but run? Takami Why, I'm SO glad you asked. Takami The truth is, even though Heck is a scary place, most people here aren't so bad when you get to know them. Takami Even when they attack you, pretty much everyone here is up for a good conversation. Takami By INTERACTing with opponents, or PRESENTing them with items you find outside, you can make friends with them and end the battle! Salaryman "Make friends with them and end the battle"...pardon me if I'm a bit incredulous, but are you serious? Takami Of course I am! Setsuko it's not like you have another option Salaryman ...Point taken. Takami Instead of seeing battles as "enemy encounters", try to look at them more like friend encounters! Or "Frencounters", if you will! Salaryman (...This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but what's perhaps more ridiculous is the fact that I see no better course of action than to play along.) Salaryman I understand. Well, then...if I may be so bold to ask, in what way will Miss Matsumoto be helping us, Takami? Takami With a Tutorial Battle, of course! Salaryman Ah. (I guess I should have seen that coming.) Takami I'm just a regular ol' ghost, so I can't do attacks or anything, but Secchan here has some pretty cool ice magic at her disposal! Takami (Get it, Secchan? Cool ice magic!) Setsuko (you made the same joke 4 hours ago) Takami Ready to start the battle, Mister Salaryman? Salaryman As ready as I'll ever be. I'm in your care. Takami Okay, Secchan, it's all you! Setsuko ...okay Setsuko visibly sighs, before standing up behind the counter. Setsuko ready yourself, human A Frencounter begins.