(Disclaimer: These are proof-of-concept samples written without a clear visualisation of the cell. Although many, or even all, of them will be included in the final product, they are subject to editing and expansion down the line.) INSPECT > Welcome Stand Salaryman (A colourful "Welcome" stand, decorated in childish doodles of rainbows and suns, notwithstanding the dreary environment surrounding it.) Takami Human friends only show up every so often, so when I'm not talking to people like you, I help advertise the store! Salaryman That explains all the "4-99 Brand" items strewn about the counter, then... Takami Can I interest you in a free sample of our signature cheesesteak sushi? Sometimes made with real cheese!! Salaryman I'll pass, but thank you. INSPECT > Store Window Salaryman So they have convenience stores in the underworld, too, huh. Takami Some things are just an inescapable part of life, Mister Salaryman. Or, uh, unlife. INSPECT > Vending Machine Salaryman (A vending machine advertised as being filled with "ice-cold beverages".) INSPECT > Cell Boundaries Note: This INSPEXT only occurs if you attempt to exit the cell prematurely (i.e. immediately after SCENE #11: "COLD WEATHER ADVISORY"). Takami Wait, wait! Wrong way, Mister Salaryman -- we should really go inside the store first!