

SETTING: 4-99 STOREFRONT SCENE: The Salaryman, following Takami, arrives at the same storefront from SCENE #5: "NEW FRIEND". They begin to have a conversation in front of the convenience store entrance. Takami All right, Mister Salaryman, we're almost here! Salaryman This is the convenience store from earlier, isn't it? Takami Yes, well, you see... Takami scratches the back of her head, laughing bashfully. Takami The thing I wanna teach you about, I sorta can't do alone! But thankfully, I have an awesome friend who can lend me a hand! Salaryman Ah, sure... The Salaryman surveys Takami's "WELCOME" stand, as well as the 4-99 storefront. Salaryman I take it they're your coworker? Takami Yep! And my best friend in the whole underworld! Takami Ah, but... Salaryman Hm? Takami Don't let this scare you, but just as a word in advance, she can be a little...cold towards others sometimes. Takami But she really means well! It's just her personality. Salaryman Duly noted. Salaryman (It's not as if it'd deter me, anyway. ...Besides, I'm not exactly the most outgoing person in the world myself.) Takami Okey-dokey! When you're ready, head right through those doors, Mister Salaryman! They're automatic! (And I'm pretty sure the motion sensor is working today!) Takami I'll follow you this time, so lead the way! Takami assumes the "follower" position behind the Salaryman for the first time. The player regains control of the Salaryman at this time. From this point forth, Takami will move with the Salaryman.