(Disclaimer: These are proof-of-concept samples written without a clear visualisation of the cell. Although many, or even all, of them will be included in the final product, they are subject to editing and expansion down the line.) IF the player re-enters the 4-99 immediately after SCENE #14: "DEPARTURE": Note: This dialogue will play only once, upon fulfilling the requisite condition. Setsuko uh Setsuko didnt you leave like 10 seconds ago Takami Yep! And then we came back. Hi Secchan! Setsuko ... Setsuko ill be over here /if TALK > Setsuko Setsuko how can i assist you, valued customer Takami Did you hear that, Mister Salaryman? You're valued! Salaryman ...What an honour. INSPECT > Ready-Made Meals Salaryman (An modest array of refrigerated and ready-made meals.) Salaryman Onigiri with..."Cheeze Wizz" filling? Takami It's basically liquid cheese! Except for the cheese part. I think it's made from fluorescent yellow acid from the river. Setsuko if you want to buy one, the microwave is self-service Salaryman ...I'm good. INSPECT > MANGA RACK Salaryman (Manga in the underworld, huh...) Salaryman "SkeletonQuest Saga, Volume 693". Setsuko that series really went downhill after the writing team decided to have reality itself be an arc villain Takami Ooh, what happens? Setsuko the protagonist wins Salaryman (...So that's why every page in the manga is blank.) INSPECT > TV Salaryman 'Enjoying that..."Curby" game, Miss Matsumoto? Setsuko kind of Takami You said you were doing a "pacifist run", right, Secchan? What's that? Setsuko you can skip the boss fights in this game by making your character clip into the stage boundaries Takami "Clip" into? Like a paperclip? Or a hair clip? Setsuko uh...basically you glitch the game and your character walks through walls and doesnt have to battle things Takami Oh!! So Curby's a ghost like me! Setsuko ...close enough, i guess Setsuko it's already a pretty sad game, so im trying to get the good end without beating people up Salaryman (...She may be a bit of a grouch, but she does have a gentle side after all.) INSPECT > SNACKS Salaryman (A shelf full of outlandish snacks.) Salaryman (...I don't know if I want to know what "Bicycle Flavour Crisps" taste like.)