

CELL: 4-99 STOREFRONT SCENE: The Man, having made the descent from the Gokuma Station platform, comes upon a street corner where a chipper-looking girl mans a colourful "WELCOME" booth that stands in stark contrast to the derelict, dreary environment around it. Behind her is a run-down convenience store called "4-99", although only the two 9s on its sign are lit up. PLAYER ACTION: This scene starts as soon as the player walks within a certain distance from the girl and her stand. The layout of the cell has it so it must be triggered to proceed with the story. Man (No ticket gate, huh...train stations like this are pretty rare nowadays.) The camera pans to the girl behind the booth. An exclamation point of surprise ("!") appears above her head, before she begins to speak. ??? Oh my gosh, could it be? The camera pans to the default (player-centred) position, and then back to her. She then throws her arms up in celebratory jubilee. ??? A new arrival!! ??? Over here, mister! The girl waves enthusiastically at the Man, beckoning him to her booth. Man (...And now one of those pushy sidewalk solicitors. Can tonight get any worse?) The Man, who was already walking in that direction, approaches the girl and responds. Man I don't suppose you're talking to me? ??? I sure am, friend! Could you spare a couple of minutes? I have something really important to tell you. Man Is that so... The Man visually scrutinises the girl and her booth, looking them both over before continuing. Man (Judging by the branded paraphernalia littered about her little stand, she's just trying to sell me something.) Man ...You work for the convenience store behind you, don't you? ??? O-Oh, yes! Very perceptive of you! But um, really, that's not the reason I tried to get your attention...you see, this -- Man Unfortunately, I don't have time to kill talking to street pedlars tonight. I hope whatever campaign your manager has you advertising is a rousing success. The Man lightly bows his head at the girl before proceeding on his way, out of the cell. ??? Mister, wait!! There is a moment's pause. ??? ...He's already gone... ??? The nerve of that guy! ...Oh, but it's not like he knows any better... ??? Oh my gosh, what should I do...?