(Disclaimer: These are proof-of-concept samples written without a clear visualisation of the cell. Although many, or even all, of them will be included in the final product, they are subject to editing and expansion down the line.) INSPECT > Left Exit Note: This INSPEXT occurs only if you attempt to re-enter the preceding cell. Man (Wrong way. I need to find a telephone booth.) INSPECT > Gaping Pothole> Man (That is the largest pothole I've ever seen. It's probably just the lighting, but it looks like it goes on for miles...I'll need to find a way around this.) INSPECT > Broken Glass Man (An unbelievable quantity of jagged, broken glass is strewn about the ground here. It covers far too wide an area for me to clear on foot...I'll need to go around it.) INSPECT > Mysterious Green Sludge Man (...Whatever this is, I don't think I have any business stepping into it. There must be a way to circumvent it.) INSPECT > Shuttered Storefront Narration Text Box "~Shredder's Gnarly Boardz~ Grand Opening 2000/1/5!!" Man (...Just how long has this sign been up?)