<t2>A Bad Guy's Second Chance</t2></center>
<center>Welcome to the playable script of <or>OVERRIDE</or>, the game where a mean businessman dies and goes to Hell.
What's a "playable script"? You'll just have to find out!</center>
<center><play>[[*PLAY*|Scene 0]]</play>
[[About the Project|About]]
[[Venture to the Test Room|Test Room]]</center>
<marquee scrollamount="14">Now 100% cheaper to produce!</marquee><div style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="float: left;">[[←|Title]]</div><div style="float: right;">[[→|Test Room]]</div></div>
<center><t1>THE TEST ROOM</t1></center>
I am in awe of how much effort it took to make this shit work.
Like, seriously.
<<dialogue "Cammy" "#39BBFF" "assets/cammy.png" "Wow! It's time to get hammered. (On herbal tea!!)" >>
<<dialogue "Salaryman" "#BF1942" "" "*shriveled on the ground*" >>
<<thought "Salaryman" "#BF1942" "" "(...Wait, why don't I have a character portrait?)" >>
<<dialogue "Cammy" "#39BBFF" "assets/cammy_sly.png" "'Cause I'm the mascot. First dibs." >>
<<dialogue "Salaryman" "#BF1942" "" "...Mascot? What are you, a Po██mon?" >><<script>>
Macro.add('dialogue', {
handler: function () {
var name = this.args[0],
color = this.args[1],
portrait = this.args[2],
text = this.args[3],
output = '<div class="dialogue-box">';
if (portrait) {
output += '<img src="' + portrait + '" class="character-portrait">';
output += '<div class="dialogue-text">';
output += '<div class="character-name" style="color:' + color + '; font-size: 1.2em;">' + name + '</div>';
output += '<div class="character-speech">' + text + '</div>';
output += '</div></div>';
new Wikifier(this.output, output);
Macro.add('thought', {
handler: function () {
var name = this.args[0],
color = this.args[1],
portrait = this.args[2],
text = this.args[3],
output = '<div class="thought-box">';
if (portrait) {
output += '<img src="' + portrait + '" class="character-portrait">';
output += '<div class="thought-text">';
output += '<div class="character-name" style="color:' + color + '; font-size: 1.2em;">' + name + '</div>';
output += '<div class="character-speech" style="color: lightpink;">' + text + '</div>';
output += '</div></div>';
new Wikifier(this.output, output);
<</script>>/ use " for quotation marks
/ https://intfiction.org/t/how-to-make-local-images-work-for-twine-for-play-test-and-publish/73011<div style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="float: left;">[[←|Title]]</div>
Here comes the next train.</center><div style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="float: left;">[[←|Title]]</div>